Fat grafting surgery is a three-step procedure that has significantly changed over the past few years with the introduction of new measures.

Fat grafting technique improvements for facial rejuvenation

Fat grafting technique improvements for facial rejuvenation

Fat harvesting

Fat harvesting is now achieved with a micro-cannula significantly thinner than those used in the past. Liposuction entry points are smaller, therefore skin trauma is are minimized. Smaller cannulas now allow surgeons to harvest micro-fat, which has major advantages :

  • Superior fat engraftment. The transferred fat volume does not decrease (fat resorption) after the procedure, results are more stable and definitive.
  • There is no risk of cyst development caused by overly large adipocytes.

Fat preparation

The harvested fat can be centrifuged or filtered and purified to remove traces of blood and other unwanted components. Purified fat contains a large amount of stem cells and can be reinjected safely in areas such as the face, the neck and the cleavage. This preparation technique offers additional benefits :

  • Fat is more fluid, which allows the use of a micro-cannula or a microneedle to treat fine lines or delicate facial areas such as the eyelids. Today, fat transfer offers a more than viable alternative to hyaluronic acid for facial rejuvenation, with the added benefits of natural fat tissue.
  • Fat grafts survival rates are significantly higher now thanks to a less traumatic preparation technique. Fat cells are chosen more carefully and preserved from any damage during the preparation process, which translates to superior and truly permanent results.

Once swelling has gone down, the result is pleasant : the face looks rested and younger. Over the following months, the regenerative effect of the stems cells and growth factors continue to improve the result by stimulating collagen production and hydrating tissues.