• tummy tuck


This procedure is designed to correct muscle and / or ventre skin laxity in the stomach area after weight loss, pregnancy or because of natural aging.

Having a firm and flat stomach is what a lot of men and women are dreaming about because the slim and young appearance it gives to the body. A few reasons can justify this surgical procedure : significant weight loss, aging and pregnancy that contribute to skin and muscle laxity.

The procedure

The tummy tuck surgery can be up to 3 hours long and usually requires a 48 hours hospitalization. Once the incision is made in the lower abdomen, the separated (diastasis), weakened or distended muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened, skin and fat excess are removed and incisions are closed with sutures. Depending on the extent of the procedure, a more or less simplified version of this technique can be used. When excess fat and skin are overloading the stomach, but the muscles of the abdominal wall are intact, a short incision can be used to get the expected result. If fat deposits are the only issue, liposuction might be the only procedure needed, provided the patient’s skin is elastic enough to retract properly after liposuction.


The tummy tuck procedure results in a scar along the top of the pubic area. However, Dr.Balti strives to minimize them as much as possible. Impaired healing is often the result of smoking, which is why patients are asked to stop smoking before and after their surgery. The appearance of the scar continues to improve over a period of a couple of months, however, it is easily concealable with underwear or swimwear.

Is the surgery painful ?

Swelling and bruising usually form after surgery, which is a normal reaction of the body. Discomfort and pain are easily controlled by painkillers. Drains are sometimes necessary (not always) in the incision sites to prevent fluids accumulation. Drains are removed a few days after a tummy tuck in Tunisia.