questions about gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia

Your questions about gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia

Can gynecomastia be treated without surgery ?

It is possible to treat gynecomastia without undergoing a surgical procedure, but this is only true for one type of gynecomastia : pseudogynecomastia (excess fat in male breasts). A lot of efforts are necessary to get rid of pseudogynecomastia on several levels : healthy living, less alcohol consumption, less greasy and fast food, but also more exercise to burn fat and calories. These efforts will help tone up the torso and the whole upper body. Note that gynecomastia caused by excess glandular tissue cannot disappear without surgery.

What is the difference between gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia ?

In the case of pseudogynecomastia, or excess fat gynecomastia, the increasing volume of the breasts results from being overweight (male breasts are mainly composed of fat cells).

True gynecomastia, on the other hand, results from excess glandular tissue in male breasts.

How long before I can exercise again after surgery ?

Surgeons highly recommend interrupting sport activities during 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. This duration depends on the sport practiced, but the surgeon’s instructions regarding that matter are to be followed.

The recovery period can be longer for patients using their upper body a lot during exercise (arms, pectoral muscles…).

Are the results of gynecomastia surgery immediately visible ?

Patients have to wait approximately a month to see the initial result of the procedure. 2 to 3 months are necessary for postoperative swelling to resolve, after which the definitive result will be visible.

Can gynecomastia come back ?

Technically, gynecomastia can come back, but it is very unlikely. Note that the underlying cause of gynecomastia can contribute to a recurrence (steroids, certain medications, weight gain…).