The bra bulge is very common, even in women who are not overweight. This bulge can extend from the underarm to the back. It often develops when the skin has stretched. Significant and quick weight fluctuations or the cessation of intense and regular exercise are known risk factors. The bra bulge is an issue for a lot of women who cannot hide it when wearing underwear or bathing suits, it can also be visible through clothes. Cosmetic surgery is the only efficient solution to get rid of the bra bulge when skin has lost elasticity. Several techniques can be used as standalone procedures or combined to achieve a satisfying result.

Treating the bra bulge

Treating the bra bulge

What cosmetic surgery can do against the bra bulge

For patients only presenting with excess fat, with sufficient skin thickness and elasticity, liposuction can be considered with no other associated procedure. Excess fat is removed with a micro-cannula. In most cases, skin retracts on its own and the result is perfectly natural.

Liposuction of the bra bulge is a common request, it can be performed as an outpatient surgery, sometimes with local anesthesia. Scars resulting from surgery are barely noticeable.

In certain cases, liposuction alone cannot offer satisfying results. In these cases, patients present with excess skin with no elasticity left. To get rid of the bra bulge here, skin removal is necessary, therefore the operation will combine liposuction with a lifting technique.

Treating the bra bulge with excess skin

In case of severe skin sagging, the surgeon has to remove the bra bulge and restore normal skin tension by performing a customised upper back lift after completing liposuction. This procedure includes a double incision from the underarm region to the back to remove excess skin. The scar resulting from this incision is discreet and easily hidden by a bra strap. Bra bulge removal with excess skin is performed under general anesthesia, it requires 3 to 5 hours to be completed depending on the extent of excess tissue to be removed.