A lot of women wonder when is the right time to use cosmetic treatments. In the field of aesthetic medicine, the answer is simple and adapted to each patient, because patients have different biological features and different perceptions of their image. Depending on the patient’s age and request, an effective treatment can be recommended.

When is the right time for cosmetic surgery ?

When is the right time for cosmetic surgery ?

Cosmetic surgery : making your decision

For 20 to 40 years old patients, prevention is at the center of the treatment whereas older patients will need noticeable rejuvenation. Age is not an issue in that matter. Even if cosmetic surgery has become more accessible, it is still a surgical procedure. Gathering information and taking the time to be sure of this decision is important. This decision should never be rushed.

You should discuss your goals with a qualified cosmetic surgeon who will help you understand the procedure’s implications and recommend the right course of action. Your surgeon will inform you of the benefits and risks of the procedure and you need to understand all the information before you go ahead with surgery, this will help you visualize the result you can achieve.

Discussing your needs with a qualified surgeon is often the key to a good decision as well as a successful procedure. This will give you the opportunity to express your motivations and get answers to all your questions : postoperative pain, costs, expected result…

To simplify this decision, patients should :

  • Take enough time to reflect before making a decision and be certain that the procedure will achieve the expected result.
  • Find the right surgeon, one who will understand their goals and do his best to offer the best possible result.
  • Choose the right moment to undergo the procedure in the best conditions and have enough time to rest and heal.