Platelet enriched plasma (PRP) injections is a non-invasive procedure used in the field of aesthetic medicine to improve skin quality by acting on direct consequences of aging. This technique is natural and biocompatible, it stimulates cell renewal to rejuvenate the skin. There is no risk of side-effects. Platelets have been used since 1990 for their wound healing properties, especially in orthopedics and reconstructive surgery.

The multiple benefits of PRP

The multiple benefits of PRP

Any area of skin can benefit from PRP injections. The procedure involves small superficial injections in chosen areas : around the eyes, dark circles, crow’s feet, under eye bags, wrinkles, chest… PRP injections are recommended for patients who want to alleviate aging signs and rejuvenate specific areas :

  • Facial, neck, chest and hands skin
  • Nasolabial folds and other facial folds
  • Scars caused by acne and other superficial scars
  • Dark circles, wrinkles, lines, under eye bags

Benefits of PRP

  • No scar
  • Local anesthesia
  • Firmer, tighter and younger skin
  • Simple non-surgical treatment
  • Improves skin quality
  • Short procedure
  • Almost no pain after the procedure
  • Safe, efficient and natural treatment

What happens during this procedure ?

A blood sample is all that is needed for the injections. After removing the patient’s makeup, an anesthetic gel is applied on the treatment area. Micro-injections are made after that, which requires 1 to 1.5 hours for a complete facial treatment and significantly less for single specific areas. PRP contains growth factors.

A natural treatment

PRP rejuvenates skin from the inside : it is the ideal solution to brighten up the skin and increase its firmness. PRP injections stimulate the production of collagen and tissue growth. The treatment results in a firmer skin that looks better and younger. Here is what happens during a PRP injection session :

  • The practitioner takes a small blood sample
  • Blood is centrifuged in order to isolate platelets
  • The platelet enriched plasma is injected in the skin
  • PRP offers a tightened, firmer and younger skin