Treating functional and aesthetic nose issues

Treating functional and aesthetic nose issues

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure intended to correct septum deviations causing discomfort or functional issues. During this procedure, the surgeon straightens the septum without changing the appearance of the nose. When septum deviation is associated with a deviation of the whole nose (crooked nose), septoplasty can be combined with rhinoplasty to correct both issues in a single procedure. Several types of procedures can be performed depending on the defect to be treated :

  • Septoplasty : to correct nasal obstruction and associated symptoms. The appearance of the nose is not the priority in this case, although it improves it.
  • Rhinoplasty : to improve the appearance of the nose in case of defect or imbalance (nasal hump, droopy nasal tip, crooked nose…).
  • Rhinoseptoplasty : to correct both aesthetic and functional issues.

In case of functional issue, septoplasty can do wonders

Septoplasty is recommended in case of :

  • Difficulty breathing (which can have a negative impact on sleep and cause chronic fatigue)
  • Snoring
  • Chronic nasal obstruction
  • Migraines
  • Sinus or ear infections
  • Septum deviation with an associated deformation of the side of the nose

Septoplasty results are visible after a few days

Approximately 7 days after the operation, when splints are removed, patients can feel improved breathing through the nose. Wound healing completes after a period of 2 months and discomfort typically resolves after 3 to 6 months.

How long do I have to stop exercising after my septoplasty ?

Patients have to stop exercising and swimming for 2 to 4 weeks. It is highly recommended to ask for your surgeon’s approval before resuming exercise.

How do I clean my nose after the procedure ?

To clean the nose, surgeons recommend using saline to remove crusts. Cleaning the nostrils regularly is important (3 to 4 times per day) to avoid secretions stagnation.