Thigh lift surgery aims at removing excess skin, but also excess fat causing friction between the inner thighs, which can become problematic when walking. The procedure reduces fat infiltration with liposuction and removes excess skin to restore normal skin tension in the area.


Who can benefit from thigh lift surgery ?

Skin in the inner thighs has specificities that have to be taken into account for this procedure. It is very thin compared to other areas of the body and its elastic fibers are fragile, which makes it vulnerable to the effects of aging as well as weight fluctuations. Skin aging in the inner thighs area is a major concern for patients seeking thigh lift abroad.

Contraindications to thigh lift surgery

Tobacco consumption has harmful effects during the weeks before and after surgery. Smoking can cause major wound healing complications and the procedure to fail. Smoking also increases the risk of respiratory or cardiac complications directly related to anesthesia.

Surgeons ask their patients to stop smoking (e-cigarette included) at least 3 months before the procedure until wound healing is complete.

If you are a smoker, it is imperative to let your surgeon and anesthesiologist know in order to get a prescription for a nicotine substitute. On the day of surgery, if there is any doubt, a nicotine urine test can be demanded, and if it is positive, the procedure can be canceled by your surgeon.


The duration of the operation depends on the surgical technique used, but also on the amount of skin to be removed. On average, the procedure is two hours long, but it can extend to four hours for patients who have gone through massive weight loss.


Thigh lift surgery scars are usually discreet, hidden in the natural folds and easily concealed by underwear. They still fade away pretty well, but they never completely disappear. Scars have a pink color during the first 3 months following surgery and become more indistinguishable after that. They continue to fade over a period of 3 years after the operation.