Men’s skin in the nose region is thicker than women’s skin, and men’s noses often have a history of trauma, which is why rhinoplasty for men includes specific techniques. Men’s noses have the following characteristics : skin is thicker and more oily, the nose has often suffered injuries (the septum can present with bone fracture scars and the back of the nose with irregularities) and breathing difficulties are frequent (the nostrils are often obstructed and breathing through the nose can be difficult when laying on the back).


How is rhinoplasty for men different from rhinoplasty for women ?

The goal of nose job for men is to straighten up the nose. In most cases, a nasal hump has to be removed without digging the back of the nose. The majority of patients only need their nose to be sculpted and thinned down subtly. Cartilage does not need resection, because the goal is to improve definition, not to narrow the nasal tip down.

What happens during surgery

In most cases, surgery is performed under general anesthesia as only nostril reduction can be done with local anesthesia. A fluid mixing anti-bleeding and anesthetic is injected in the nose area. Cartilage and bones are separated from soft tissues (skin), muscles and mucous membranes, then corrections can be made depending on the goals of the procedure.
In case of nasal hump removal, the hump can be shredded, filed with an ultrasound saw or a surgical grater. In case of nasal tip correction, the tip can be reshaped in order to achieve the expected result.

Many different imperfections and defects can be treated this way : overly large nasal tips, over projected nasal tips, asymmetries, domed cartilages, raised tips, poorly defined tips, sagging tips, lack of nasal tip projection, weak and strong cartilages.