Nose types rhinoplasty surgery tunisia

Nose types and rhinoplasty

The nose is an essential component of the face. A few noses have become famous, but for certain individuals, it is a source of self-consciousness. Correcting nose defects and imperfections with rhinoplasty is fairly common nowadays as is frees patients from these negative feelings.

There are different types noses that can be corrected with cosmetic surgery.

Nose types

When it is too round, too long or too wide, the nose can cause significant self-consciousness and confidence issues. Nowadays, efficient and safe treatments are available to find well-being and confidence. Almost any type of nose can be corrected by rhinoplasty surgery. These are the most common and naturally occurring types of noses :

  • Straight nose : thin and straight, this type of nose is often what rhinoplasty patients are expecting from their procedure.
  • Flat nose : this nose is short and wide, especially at the base (nostrils).
  • Arched nose : the arched nose presents with a curve or hump only on the ridge.
  • Droopy nose : droopy noses tend to stretch down towards the lower face.
  • Aquiline nose : this one is typically thin and commonly associated with the appearance of an eagle’s beak.
  • Turned-up nose : this nose presents with a turned-up nasal tip.

Aside from correcting aesthetic imperfections, nose surgery can be performed to restore the breathing function of the nose, which can be impaired by a deviation resulting from trauma.

Reasons to request surgery

Reasons motivating patients to undergo rhinoplasty are often related to nose shape. Nose shape is dictated by genes. The nose is mainly composed of cartilage, muscular tissues, skin and it can be altered by trauma. No matter what your nose shape is, whether it is natural or accidentally altered, rhinoplasty and non-surgical rhinoplasty can correct unwanted imperfections or restore the natural shape of the nose.