While liposuction is a widespread cosmetic surgery all over the world, it is primarily designed to address persisting subcutaneous fat, which is why it is not suited for people who need to lose weight for their health as well as their well-being. Each patient requesting this surgery in Tunisia should understand how and when it is the most beneficial.

liposuction surgery tunisia

How and when you should consider liposuction surgery

Understanding the use of liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure during which the surgeon removes excess fat in chosen areas of the body. Liposuction can treat the thighs, hips, stomach, saddle bags, arms, chin, etc.The amount of fat removed during this procedure is measured as a volume, not weight, which is why liposuction correct the patient’ figure, not his weight.

Typically, 2 liters of fat is removed from the patient’s body, but it can go 4 liters depending on the patient’s body type. Greater volumes usually come with additional risks. This operation is not something that should be taken lightly. It’s an important decision that should always be well thought out after a thorough discussion with a certified plastic surgeon. This is why the procedure is not recommended for teenagers and people suffering from obesity.

Is liposuction a miracle cure ?

Liposuction won’t get rid of your extra pounds and give you the body you’ve always dreamed of. This procedure aims at sculpting the body, improving contours,slim down specific areas and balance the figure. Liposuction is not a solution to obesity or weight gain, but a lot of patients get their confidence back after failing to sculpt their body with exercise and diets.

Liposuction is an excellent choice to slim down precise areas of the human body that do not respond well to eating restrictions and physical activities. Cosmetic surgeons typically recommend eating healthy and exercising regularly in order to reach an ideal weight. Once that weight is achieved, liposuction can be used to correct areas still housing excess fat tissue.