A simple test will let you know if your breast are sagging. If a pen stays in place under your breasts, it is probably the case, if it doesn’t, then you shouldn’t worry about breast ptosis. This test can’t replace a proper clinical examination by a certified surgeon, but if the pen did stay in place under your breasts, this probably means you can benefit from breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy.

Breast lifting
Breast lift results
The result of breast lift surgery is permanent, however, if natural aging causes breast sagging again (which isn’t likely to occur within 10 years following the surgery), another procedure can be considered. The final result can be seen 6 to 12 months after surgery).
The initial recovery time varies between 2 to 3 weeks on average. Postoperative pain is easily controlled by painkillers during this time. Bruising and swelling almost always develop following surgery. Bruising usually subsides in 1 to 2 weeks whereas swelling can persist during a few months before completely resorbing.
Postoperative instructions and care
Just like any type of scar, breast lift scars require specific care. Massages, topical creams and sun protection are paramount. For patients following these guidelines, scars fade almost entirely a year or so after surgery.
Drains on the incision sites might help immediately after the operation, but they aren’t always necessary. Exercising, on the other hand, is dangerous during the recovery. The patient has to ask the surgeon’s approval before resuming any sport or physical activity. Walking is usually the only one allowed during the first few weeks.
A compressive garment such as a sports bra has to stay in place during a month after the operation to support the breasts while they’re healing.
Breast lift can make wonders for breast shape and position, restoring them to their younger state. Each year, this procedure helps women regaining confidence and well-being, it is also commonly combined to other procedures to treat imperfections caused by weight fluctuations, pregnancy or natural aging that affect different areas of the body.