arm lift

About the arm and thigh lifts

Are there precautions to take after an arm or a thigh lift ?

After this type of lifting procedure, patients have to wear a compression garment for a month and avoid exercising during this time. Patients also have to maintain a stable weight and avoid getting pregnant during the first year following surgery. Walking as soon as possible after surgery is beneficial to the healing process.

Can I get these procedures done if I am under medication ?

Depending on what your treatment is, your anesthesiologist will tell you if you need to stop, keep on taking or replace your medication. Bring your prescription with you for your consultation.

I am a smoker, can I get an arm or thigh lift done ?

Surgeons ask their patients to stop smoking a month before the procedure and during a month following surgery, because tobacco impairs wound healing.

Is there a minimum age to be eligible to an thigh or arm lift ?

Patients have to be of legal age to benefit from these procedures, although it is possible for a minor to be operated on with his parents approval.

How are the arm and thigh lifts performed ?

General anesthesia is administered to the patient through his IV. After complete disinfection of the treatment areas, the surgeon performs an incision (in the inner arm or thighs). These incisions can be horizontal (in the armpits or groin) or vertical up to the elbow or knee. In certain cases, liposuction is necessary to thin down the limb. Excess fat and skin are removed. Incisions are closed with sutures and bandages are wrapped around the incision sites.

How long are the arm and thigh lifts ?

Both types of lifting procedures are 1 to 2 hours long.

Which type of anesthesia is used to perform an arm lift or a thigh lift ?

General anesthesia is the most common type of anesthesia used for these procedures.