The thigh lift procedure is recommended for patients presenting with excess skin in the inner thigh region. Scars resulting from incisions can be hidden along the folds of the groin area and extend vertically depending on the amount of skin to be removed. Here is more information about the different thigh lift techniques. If you are planning your cosmetic surgery in Tunisia, feel free to contact Dr.Balti to talk about what’s best for you.

the inner thighs surgery tunisia

Treating excess skin in the inner thighs

How are the scars resulting from the thigh lift ?

There are three ways to perform a thigh lift, which are often combined with liposuction to improve leg contours. Depending on excess skin and expectations, surgeon can choose between two incisions or combine them. The first incision is horizontal and therefore designed to remove horizontal tissue bulges. The scar starts in the fold of the groin area and continues in the folds located between the top of the inner side of the thigh to end up in the gluteal fold. In this case, the scar is well concealed because of its location. The second incision is a vertical incision designed to removed vertical tissue excess. The surgeon performs this vertical incision along the inner side of the thigh. The size of the incision depends of the amount of skin to remove. When tissue excess is moderate, this scar can be discreet. However, after massive weight loss, skin sagging is often significant, which requires the incision to extend to the knee. When tissue excess has accumulated vertically and horizontally, both incision have to be used for a good result. The scar resulting for this combined approach has the shape of the letter L.

Am I gonna feel pain after my thigh lift ?

Postoperative pain is usually very well tolerated by most thigh lift patients. Painkillers are enough to alleviate any pain, which only leaves patients with sore muscles in the thighs area. Swelling and bruising following surgery do not cause pain and resolve fairly quickly. Wearing a compressive garment is necessary during a certain period. Walking can be difficult during the early recovery because of the location of the incision sites. Patients have to plan 1 to 3 weeks off work depending on the surgeons recommendations. Exercise can resume after approximately 1 month.