Often mistaken for liposuction, liposculpture is a specific approach used in the field of cosmetic surgery to reshape the whole figure. What is it ? What happens during surgery ? What type of results can be achieved with liposculpture ? Here are some answers for you.


What is liposculpture ?

As its name suggests, liposculpture sculpts the body in a harmonious way by removing excess fat in certain areas and filling other areas lacking volume. This approach combines two techniques commonly used in the field of cosmetic surgery : liposuction and fat grafting.

Liposuction removes unwanted fat whereas fat grafting uses fat previously harvested with liposuction by injecting it in chosen areas to create more appealing curves and volume (commonly treated areas are the buttocks, the hips and the breasts).

Liposculpture for women

Liposculpture is an excellent option for patients who are unsatisfied with their figure despite having a normal weight and exercising regularly. Fat distribution in the body is determined by genes and only liposculpture can change that.

For instance, patients with little breast volume, large hips and saddlebags are perfect candidates to liposculpture. Patients with more breast volume, small hips and larger waists can also benefit from liposculpture to make their figure more balanced.

Liposculpture for men

Liposculpture is also an excellent choice for men when it comes to treating excess fat in the hips (love handles) and stomach area. Fat can be used to improve pectoral and abdominal muscle contours. Liposculpture is not intended to make the patient lose weight, it is not a substitute for weight loss efforts. Liposculpture only changes volumes to sculpt the body. This procedure is suited for patients in good health, with good skin elasticity and little or no excess weight.