One of the most hated aging signs in women is the loss of firmness of tissues and skin leading to breast sagging (breast ptosis is the clinical term). Many other factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations and simply aging change breast shape, with a risk of breast sagging. The breast lift can restore a young and pleasant breast shape in order to achieve more harmonious curves and restore the patient’s confidence.

Lifting the breasts with or without added volume

Breast lift with no added volume

Women satisfied with the size and shape of their breasts can still be bothered by their position because of breast sagging (the breasts can sit too low, the nipples point downwards). In that case, a breast lift with no added volume can be considered. Breast size will be preserved and only skin laxity in the breast enveloppe is treated. The underlying breast tissues can be lifted up and possibly compacted if needed to improve contours and firmness. The incision used for this type of breast lift can differ depending on the severity of the ptosis. The areolas, nipples and mammary glands can be repositioned to a more natural and harmonious height, and the excess skin is removed.

The initial recovery from a breast lift surgery with no added volume requires 1 to 2 weeks.

Breast lift with added implants or fat grafting

Patients who can benefit from adde breast volume or requesting a breast augmentation with their breast lift can consider this procedure. Also called augmentation mastopexia, this treatment can remove excess skin to correct breast sagging as well as the dimensions of the areolas. With an augmentation breast lift, patients can achieve a fuller shape, better firmness and increased breast volume. Each breast augmentation technique has its own benefits : breast implants allows greater and well controlled volume increases to be made whereas fat grafting offers a perfectly natural appearance with the added benefit of fat reduction in chosen areas for fat harvesting purposes (which is the first stage of the fat grafting technique). This procedure is 2 to 3 hours long and the recovery is fairly similar to a standard breast lift. In case of fat grafting breast augmentation, patients have to wear a compression garment during 4 to 6 weeks to help skin retraction in liposuction areas.