Fat grafting breast augmentation tunisia

Fat grafting breast augmentation considerations

About the expected result

When surgical indication is clearly determined and patient expectations are realistic, the procedure offers excellent results : the breasts gain volume as well as a more harmonious shape. However, significant breast volume increase is not possible with fat grafting. The whole figure can also benefit from fat harvesting : the waist, hips, abdomen and saddlebags can be slimmed down.

The breasts will always go through the process : gravity and elasticity loss will contribute to tissue sagging. Weight fluctuations will also be reflected in breast volume (more or less) as well.

How important is it to stop smoking for the operation ?

Scientific data does not leave room for uncertainty here, tobacco use has harmful effects. It can result in major scar complications, bad results, graft failure and infection. A test can be used the day before the procedure or just before surgery to detect tobacco use. A surgical procedure can be cancelled in case of tobacco use. Dr Balti recommends to stop smoking 3 weeks before the operation and during 3 weeks after as well.

About the anesthesia

Fat transfer breast augmentation is usually performed under general anesthesia because liposuction is used in multiple harvesting sites during the same surgery : the buttocks, hips, abdomen, saddle bags and inner side of the knees are common harvesting sites and the breast are the fat injection site.

Local anesthetics (lidocaine, xylocaine…) tend to damage fat cells and decrease engraftment. Therefore results are often better with the use of general anesthesia.

Does fat grafting breast augmentation affect breast feeding ?

This procedure is not harmful to pregnancy.. Surgeons recommend waiting a period of 6 months after the procedure. Breast feeding is possible and does not include any risk after fat grafting.