Facial rejuvenation has always been an important part of cosmetic surgery. It is a complex matter with a lot of techniques that have to be tailored to each patient. Oftentimes, patients consulting for facial rejuvenation do not have a specific request. They often notice a tired look on their face, facial volumes disappearing, folds and wrinkles accentuating. Facial aging is very different from one person to another. For instance, patients who are overweight tend to show aging signs later because of increased facial volume filling in folds and wrinkles. Certain patients are concerned with the wrinkled appearance of their skin in the neck area and the loss of facial roundness in the lower face while others are preoccupied by aging signs in the mouth area. A good number of patients show clear aging signs in the forehead and eyes areas.

The first step of facial rejuvenation is always the consultation with a specialist who will get to know what bothers you the most. A thorough examination and a conversation will help your surgeon determine the most efficient approach with advice concerning lifestyle habits, daily care…

Facial aging : how specialists tackle the issue

Facial aging : how specialists tackle the issue

About facelift surgery

The face and neck lift (or cervico-facial lift) treats aging in the lower part of the face, or ‘lower third’ of the face. Blepharoplasty and botox injections can alleviate aging signs in the eyes and forehead areas. The medium third of the face and the cheeks can be treated with another type of lift called centrofacial lift.

To find the most efficient approach to rejuvenate your face, two components are essential : defining clear goals and a thorough examination of your face.

Facial aging in the lower third is often the most problematic :

  • Nasolabial folds accentuating
  • Thinning and wrinkling of the lips
  • Elongation of the upper lip’s height
  • Skin sagging in the cheeks with the formation of jowls and bitterness folds
  • Excess skin in the neck

The face and neck lift can treat these issues and restore roundness as well as contour definition in the lower third by tightening the skin. It is often associated with an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) and botox injections to treat aging signs in the upper third of the face and achieve a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.