Certain women with hypertrophic breasts cannot stand their breasts for medical, psychological or aesthetic reasons. Disproportions in the breasts can be corrected with breast reduction. Here is what you need to know if you are considering this procedure.

3 facts about breast reduction

3 facts about breast reduction

There is no age requirement to benefit from breast reduction

Hypertrophic breasts is usually hard to live with, which is why surgeons recommend a breast reduction procedure when mammary developpement is stable. Breast reduction offers tremendous improvements in terms of quality of life and appearance of the breasts (back pain caused by the weight of the breasts are treated) for patients of all ages. Breast asymmetry and ptosis are not uncommon for hypertrophic breasts, which is why patients can truly benefit from breast reduction in many instances.

Breast reduction leaves scars

With breast reduction, women can find clothes more easily and feel good about themselves with a more balanced figure and no disproportions, but scars are part of the result, even if they fade over time. The incision around the areola is part of the procedure, often combined with a reversed T shaped incision. With proper postoperative care, scars resulting from these incisions become very thin, white and almost invisible after a while. It is important to be aware of the fact that the definitive result can be seen after a period of one year, even though the scars continue to fade over time.

Candidacy to breast reduction

Hypertrophic breasts refers to overly large breasts that do not suit the patient’s morphology. Overly large breasts tend to draw attention, which is often hard to live with at a young age, but they also cause back pain, breast ptosis as well as difficulties when it comes to exercising and finding adapted clothes. Breast reduction can fix this issue by removing excess breast tissue, and there is no major obstacle to this procedure.

A preoperative assessment including a mammogram and an ultrasound are required for patients over the age of 35. Other than that, patients simply have to be in good health and stop smoking before as well as after the operation if they are smokers.