
If you choose buttock implants

Buttock implants can achieve significant volume increases to change the appearance of flat buttocks, with more roundness in the upper part and sides of the buttocks. Buttock implants are made of cohesive silicone gel, which is flexible but firmer and more resistant than breast implants. Cohesive gel reduces the risk of implant shifting and capsular contracture.

Is the implant placed under or over the muscle ?

Buttock implants have an oval shape, they are typically positioned over the gluteal muscle and under the fascia so that its contours cannot be seen (contours would be visible if the implants were placed under the skin). When positioned under the fascia, the implants offer a comprehensive buttock augmentation, unlike the ‘under the muscle’ position. However, for skinny patients, the implants have to be positioned in the muscle.

If you choose fat grafting buttock augmentation

There are two stages in the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. During the first stage, liposuction is used to harvest fat in excess fat deposits, which allows patients to thin down their waistline or saddlebags for instance. Liposuction used for fat grafting purposes is performed with extremely thin cannulas to avoid damaging fat cells. During the second stage of the procedure and after fat has been purified, it is reinjected at many different positions and depths of the buttocks in small amounts.

Does weight loss have consequences on BBL results ?

Yes, fat is a living tissue and it is affected by weight fluctuations. The buttock will lose volume in case of weight loss and gain volume with weight gain.

Are BBL results visible right after surgery ?

Yes, improvements can be seen immediately after the operation, but patients still have to wait approximately 3 months to see the definitive result.