after thigh lift

What happens during and after a thigh lift

During thigh lift surgery

Thigh lift surgery begins (if combined) with liposuction using very thin cannulas in order to preserve tissue quality as much as possible. There are 3 main thigh lift techniques. The duration of this surgery depends on the technique used :

  • Horizontal lift : this approach is used when excess skin is predominant lengthwise. Skin is redraped upwards and inwardly. Tension resulting from the horizontal technique is therefore vertical. The skin is tightened, lifted up, then sutures are made to close the incision, leaving a very discreet scar in the folds of the groin area.
  • Vertical lift : this approach is used when excess skin is predominant widthwise. The incision is vertical with varying lengths depending on the amount of skin to be removed. This incision is located in the inner thigh area.
  • Combined lift : this technique combined both previous techniques (horizontal and vertical). The scar resulting from this approach has an L or a T shape. The combined technique allows skin tightening in both directions.

Thigh lift : post op

Thigh lift patients are typically hospitalized during a minimum of 24 hours. Patients are allowed to shower the day after surgery. Resorbable sutures are common, so there is usually no need to remove them. Thigh lift recovery often includes :

  • Keeping dressings in place during approximately 15 days.
  • Swelling and / or bruising can appear, those usually resolve in 10 to 20 days after surgery.
  • Post operative pain can be compared to sore muscles. Patients also experience discomfort while walking during the initial recovery.
  • Scars are located in a warm and damp area of the body, which is why wound healing can take longer than other procedures.
  • Patients have to rest for 2 to 3 weeks depending on working activities.
  • Exercise can resume progressively starting from the 6th week following surgery.
  • Sun exposure is proscribed during a year.

Note that post operative instructions given by the surgeon are as important as pre operative instructions.

Following those instructions ensures proper wound healing and optimal results.