Treatment wrinkles facial volume loss

Treatment options for wrinkles, facial volume loss and other aging signs

« What can I do to alleviate and delay facial aging signs ? »

The first thing anyone can do to delay aging signs is to favor healthy lifestyle choices : stopping smoking and using sun protection. Genetic predispositions play a role in facial aging, but studies have shown that smoking and sun exposure are major factors influencing skin aging. Sun exposure leads to wrinkles and blemishes as well as solar elastosis. Smoking also contributes to wrinkles and malar bags (by reducing lymphatic drainage), while making the skin look dull with dilated pores. Food supplements including hyaluronic acid and antioxidants can help improve skin quality. Several treatments can be used to treat these aging signs : Botox injections, hyaluronic acid injections or cosmetic surgery with the same goal of achieving a natural result.

« I have recently noticed facial wrinkles »

Over time, facial wrinkles start to become visible. Depending on each individual, wrinkles can appear at a different age. There are different options to treat wrinkles depending on their cause. Wrinkles can be dynamic, which means they are caused by facial muscle contractions (frown wrinkles, crown’s feet and forehead wrinkles). These wrinkles are typically treated with a neuromodulator : Botox.

Wrinkles can also result from reduced hydration and facial volumes. These wrinkles have to be treated with a hydrating and volumizing product : hyaluronic acid. Superficial wrinkles can be alleviated with peels or laser treatments.

« My lips are too thin, I want to them plumper and more sensual »

The lips play an important part in facial harmony. It is possible to improve the appearance of the lips. Hyaluronic acid injections can hydrate the lips with no volume augmentation or increase volume without modifying their initial shape. These injections can be performed in a practitioner’s office with local anesthesia to avoid discomfort and pain.