Breast ptosis is the medical term used to describe breast sagging. In a normal breast, projection of the breast and nipple goes above the inframammary fold. In a breast affected by ptosis, projection of the breast and nipple stays under the level of the inframammary fold. One of the main components holding the breasts is skin.

Heavy breasts tend to decrease skin quality, which makes them more prone to breast sagging. Skin quality is an essential factor here and it is genetically determined . Each skin is different and certain patients present with breast ptosis from adolescence.

Breast ptosis is worsened when skin is distended, because of weight fluctuations or pregnancy for instance.

sagging breast surgery tunisia

sagging breast surgery tunisia

When should breast ptosis be treated ?

Breast ptosis surgery can be performed at any age. Most frequent requests include :

  • Patients presenting with breast ptosis at the end of adolescence.
  • During pregnancy, breasts gain volume and stretch the skin. After pregnancy, breast volume decreases, but skin does not tighten up, which results in breast sagging.
  • Following weight fluctuations, skin loses elasticity.
  • Natural aging also affects skin quality and leads to ptosis.

How is the breast lift performed ?

This procedure typically requires a 24 hours hospitalization. Correcting breast ptosis involves tightening up the skin, which is achieved by removing excess skin. Scars are more or less extended depending on excess skin to be removed. When breasts have lost volume as well, breast lift surgery can be combined to breast augmentation with implants. When breasts have too much volume, the breast lift can be combined to breast reduction. A compressive bra has to be worn for a month after the procedure and exercise can resume after a month as well.