Most people would feel better with a more balanced figure, with no fat bulges causing disproportions. Unfortunately, certain fat deposits do not seem to be affected by exercise and eating restrictions. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery designed to correct this type of imperfections by removing fat located right under the skin, the subcutaneous fat.

all about liposuction

Everything you need to know about liposuction

About liposuction

Liposuction removes fat deposits durably in order to restore harmonious body contours. This procedure allows surgeons to reshape a patient’s figure. Almost any area of the body can be treated with liposuction :

  • The thighs : the inner side as well as the outer side of the thighs, or saddle bags
  • The love handles
  • The stomach region
  • The inner side of the knees
  • The buttocks
  • The face (double chin, jowls, excess buccal fat…)

However, liposuction is not a weight loss tool. This procedure does not offer control over the weight of the patient.

Who is liposuction for ?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure, and like any other surgery, it includes certain risks. It is always preferable for the patient to be in good health. Certain criterias also have to be met :

  • The patient cannot be too overweight
  • A minimum of elasticity and firmness of the skin is required
  • Patients have to refrain from smoking before and after their operation

Liposuction cannot be performed on patients with blood flow conditions, cardiac illnesses, diabetes or weakened immune system.


A subtle change can clearly be seen a few weeks after surgery. Improved body contours appear after approximately 3 months, once swelling and water retention have alleviated. Incisions required to perform liposuction are necessary, but those are very short. Scars usually heal very well and become almost invisible over time. Improvements are relatively permanent. In case of weight gain, fat will tend to accumulate elsewhere than the treated areas.