A chin can be qualified as receding when it significantly lacks projection. When the chin is receding, the lower part of the face is not aligned with the rest of the face, it goes behind the vertical line between the forehead, the base of the nose and the upper lip. This misalignment makes the neck look larger than it should be. Receding chins can also be associated with teeth misalignments and sleep disorders. More frequently, it causes the double chin. Receding chins can cause confidence and self-image issues and it accentuates over time. Cosmetic surgery can correct receding chins for patients who wish so.

What causes a receding chin ?

Receding chins are a genetic trait that can often be seen in individuals of the same family. If it appears during childhood, a receding chin can accentuate. It can also result from natural aging.

Options to correct a receding chin

Slightly to moderately receding chin

In this case, hyaluronic acid (HA) injections can be a reliable solution. This molecule is hydrophilic, which means it attracts water and gains volume. HA injections can be done in an office (15 minutes procedure) and they aren’t painful. The result can be seen immediately and continues to improve during the following three days.

HA injections are intended for patients wishing for a quick and simple fix to improve chin projection. It can also be a preliminary test before considering a permanent solution with a chin implant.

Severely receding chin

Chin surgery , genioplasty, has to be considered in this case. The lack of projection of the chin can be corrected with a chin implant. The goal of this procedure is to redefine chin contours. It is available to patients starting from the age of 18 who do not have dental problems. Patients with dental problems considering genioplasty have to go through an orthodontic treatment before that.